Year in Review

Whoa - 2017 - where did you go!?
Today I figured I would take the take the time to share my favorite posts from throughout the year. 

- January -

Right after we got engaged, Ryan and I had a romantic getaway in Pensacola Florida. This trip was a huge turning point in our lives... not only were we excited to officially start our lives together, we also made the decision to move from Louisiana back to our home state Massachusetts!

- February -

In February I pulled off a huge birthday surprise for Ryan and sneakily got his sister and brother-in-law to visit Louisiana! He was so surprised!! 

We celebrated our last Mardi Gras as Louisiana residents and went out with a bang! We went to many street parades and even went to the Orpheus Mardi Gras Ball! 

 - March - 

In March we moved!! Two days, one truck, one bunny! 

- April - 

In April Willow had his first bunny play date 

And we explored Rockport, MA

- May - 

In May we found some dinosaur prints 

And I signed a new job offer and bought myself a new car! 


- June - 

June was a super busy month!!

We explored some waterfalls 

And I had my college 5 year reunion 

I also had my Bachelorette party which was amazing!! 


- July - 

July was spent mostly by the water 


I helped through my best friends baby shower!

And Ryan and I got our Engagement photos done! <3

- August -

 I watched the Solar Eclipse at work! 


And had my 9 Year Old over for a sleepover!

- September - 

 We spent a long weekend in Delaware

And I traveled to Cincinnati for Work 
- October - 

 In October we cheered on the Red Sox

And our niece was born on my birthday!


- November - 

 In November I rebranded the blog from Favorites, Some Fun and a Fluffy Bun to Shooshanigans! It was a big move but the best for long term!

We celebrated our first Thanksgiving in MA in years! 


And I cut down my first Christmas Tree! 

- December -  

December was all about the holidays! 

We attended a tree lighting 

And enjoyed the holidays in our Home Sweet Home! 


This year was amazing! Full of twists and turns, travel and adventure! 
Thank you all for coming by and spending your time in this little space of mine! 


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