Friday Favorites (12.15.17)

I totally had intentions to post yesterday then a gnarly cold hit me and totally wiped me out.  In bed by 7:30pm and out like a light!! 

And speaking of my cold... I was really feeling gross at work but only had two hours left in the day so I really wanted to just fight it out. I opened a Halls cough drop and the little motivational sayings all over it totally made me smile. I really needed the "Power Through" one!

My sister's Christmas present to Ryan, my mom and me this year was to go see Cirque du Soliel... on ice! I have been to Cirque shows before but let me tell you.. the on ice part brought it to a whole new level!! It was amazing! I remember having my mouth open multiple times from awe!

If this show (or any other Cirque for that matter) travels through your town- go! It is always worth the money!

Massachusetts had the first snow fall of the season last Saturday and I was like "Ryan we need to go take family photos in the snow" aka walk outside really quick, snap some shots and then go warm up back inside lol! 

I have really loved participating in The Most Wonderful Time of the Year Linkup! 
If you missed any of the past two weeks posts you can check them out here: 


And to wrap up this weeks list... I had my office work party over the weekend and my coworker decided to give us all caricatures. They came out hilarious and really representative of us well!

Happy Friday!!
Any big plans!?


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