A Christmas Day In the Life

For the next two weeks I am linking up with Victoria Strader & Sarah Shaneyfelt for their Most Wonderful Time of the Year Linkup!  

Today's theme is A Christmas Day in The Life

 For the two years I have been blogging I have always seen people do A Day In The Life posts. I love reading them... but just never thought my daily work life was entertaining enough for one!

Well today is the day! I documented Monday the 4th - a regular day in the life of me!

Ryan's alarm went off at 5:00am (and again at 5:05, 5:10 and probably 5:15 before I kicked him out of bed) and I hovered somewhere between sleep in awake until about 5:30am.

I got up and read through my blog post for the day.


Half asleep morning selfie!

Packed my lunch bag and work purse...


... and fed Willow his breakfast salad!

When I got in the car it was a chilly 31 degrees! Yikes!!!

It takes me an hour to get to work in the morning without traffic so my goal is to be in the car ready to go by 6:20am so that I am at work in time for a 7:30am start! Looks like Monday I was right on time! I also listen to Matty In the Morning every day on my way to work - good ole 107.9... love my Boston radio show hosts! 

I am usually the first person in the office in the morning so I turn off the alarms and go around turning all the lights on.

My coworker set up my Christmas lights to be on a timer so my desk was already Merry & Bright by the time I got in!

On Monday I forgot my Nalgene water bottle so I had to use the office mugs. It is no big deal, but I like to know how much I drink a day and was bumming that I left it at home!


Also being the only person in the office that early I like to blast the space heater on me  to warm up my little bubble!

After eating some granola for breakfast, I settled in for some work! 

  For lunch I was eating oatmeal out of Ryan's high school mug and noticed that the little mascot was not wearing any shoes... lol. They were supposed to be the Mountaineers but honestly it looked a lot more like the Hillbilly's.

I always go for a walk after lunch and I love that my office is right next to a Rail Trail. The girls of the office (all 3 of us) usually all go on the walk together but on Monday it was just me!



The rest of the work day was pretty boring - meetings, calls, emails etc. 

When I left the office it was around 4:30pm and already very dark!

 My car ride home is always longer than my ride in with traffic and it takes around 1.5hrs on average. I listen to Christmas Music the whole way home to keep me less stressed about the commute!

When I got home, I walked in on the best thing ever!!! Ryan unloading the dishwasher and cooking dinner! #BestFinaceEver #RealWorldRomance!



He killed it with dinner!! 
Chicken, Spaghetti Squash, Peas & Garlic Bread! 
And bonus: there was enough leftovers for dinner Tuesday!


My chore of the evening was to clean Willow's cage. 
He always gets a Healthy Bite Treat after a cage cleaning!

I then took a shower and PJ'd it up for the night! 
A lot of our Black Friday packages came in on Monday and we were excited to open them! 

We got Ryan's dad a robotic gutter cleaner (Ryan was so excited about it).


And my Black Friday Old Navy purchases came in! I ordered a new winter coat, some pajama pants and some work out shorts. On Black Friday, every Old Navy purchase came with warm fuzzy polar bear socks and they are the CUTEST!


I happen to order polar bear PJ pants and they went perfect with the socks!!

Aren't they the cutest?!

We wrapped up our night watching Sherlock on Netflix!
We were promptly in bed by 9:30pm!



So there you have it! May 4th, 2017 in the life of me! 

Tomorrow I am sharing my towns tree lighting from over the weekend! Make sure to come back and check it out - I can promise there will be mention of an elf that swallowed fire! lol!


  1. I cannot imagine having such a long commute!!! I live in such a small town and I'm so lucky to work so close to my job. My husband's commute is about 30 minutes and that's a long time for us haha! Yay for Black Friday purchases coming in!!


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