Friday Favorites (12.1.17)

Happy First Friday of December!

Bring on the...
Twinkle Lights
Christmas Carols
Holiday Parties
And All Things Merry and Bright!

My goal every year is to get my Christmas Cards out the day after Thanksgiving and two years running... they were out right on time!!

You know you've been blogging for a while when Ryan knows to snap a photo of the moment!

I am super in love with our refrigerator right now! I ordered some magnets on Amazon and cut out some paper and transformed the fridge into a snowman! It is the first thing you see when you enter the apartment from the back door and it makes me happy every time I see it!! I might keep it up through the spring!

If you missed Tuesday's post, my sign from T&P Designs came in and I am obsessed with it! It came out so amazing and I love seeing it everyday!

Ryan and I explored some of the Brooks Woodland Preserve in Petersham Massachusetts this past weekend and found two new hiking trails that we just loved!

In case you find yourself in the area: the trails were the Big Pine Trail and the Burns Farm Trail! They connect and make a 2.5 mile loop!


And to wrap up Favorite #5 for the week... definitely has to be Willow's love for the Christmas Tree. Every year he gets so excited when he smells the pine needles (cause he wants to lick the sap) and this year was no different! His new goal in life is to figure out how to get around the bunny gate to the Christmas tree!

Blurry photo... but we love our fluffernutter!

Hope you have an awesome weekend!! 
We have a meeting with our wedding venue to finalize the timing of our wedding day!
Any big plans?!


  1. You should totally keep the snowman till spring!! He is adorable!


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