The Move to Massachusetts Day 1

The next two days are going to be all about our move from Louisiana to Massachusetts!  

Thursday the 30th of March was load-the-truck day. We got up at 7am and picked up the truck. 

We had saran wrapped all of our furniture because the weather was predicting tornadoes and pouring rain for that day.... 


... and unfortunately the prediction came true! It rained the entire time the movers were loading the truck. Yuck!! I'm so glad we had wrapped up our furniture ahead of time!

We had hired a young guy who was starting out with his own moving company and we were really impressed with him! He had our truck loaded in 1 hour (with it raining) and NOTHING broke the entire trip! They did a fantastic job loading everything up safely and efficiently! Kudos to Watsons Movers of Baton Rouge!!

My dad had flown down to Louisiana to drive our moving truck since he is a professional truck driver and - in his words - "this is where I shine." The original plan was that we were all going to leave together the next day but since the truck was loaded so efficiently, he decided to get on the road a half day early! We loaded my car up, waved him goodbye and he was off!

We were able to track each other with the Find My Friends App which was a lot of fun!

Next up for Ryan and me - Carpet cleaning! We went back home to our super bare apartment, ate some jambalaya and watched the carpet cleaner go to town!

Stanley Steamer makes carpet cleaner! 
LOL that jingle was stuck in my head that entire night after the Stanley Steamer guy came by!

At this point Ryan and I decided to go out to one of our favorite restaurants for our last dinner in Baton Rouge: City Pork!

 Tomorrow I will share day 2 and 3 of our big move... aka a WHOLE lot of driving!!


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