The 100

For the most part, all of my seasonal TV shows ended and I was in a "show hole" aka had nothing to watch. Usually this is when I aggressively binge read books but the next 3 on my docket are all summer/beach reads so I am holding out on those for a little bit. From here I turned to Netflix and per my dads recommendation fell into the TV show The 100

Set 97 years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends 100 juvenile delinquents back to Earth in hopes of possibly re-populating the planet. 
 Honestly after episode 1 I thought the acting sucked... but I fell in love with the storyline and 3 season later the acting got better and I loved it! It has a bit of a Hunger Games vibe so if you enjoyed those books/movies you will definitely like this show!

Just a quick post today! Had to share my new Netflix obsession! 


  1. I don't have Netflix. I'm subscribed to Hulu. But this sounds like a kind of show I'd be interested in watching.


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