Friday Favorites (4.21.17)

Happy Friday!!!

On Monday I went to the Boston Marathon for the first time and it was extra awesome because my future sister in law was running it! She is amazing!

She smiled the entire way!!

A cool totally random thing my hometown has is a gorgeous stone castle called Bancroft Tower. I spontaneously drove up to see it and it brought back so many memories from high school/college!

My goddaughter (bottom left) was in the newspaper for being a top girl scout cookie seller! I was really proud!

It is still kinda on the cool side at night here so I finally had a chance to try out bunny flannel sheets we got as a gift for Christmas. I'm pretty sure I'm obsessed with them.  Make me so happy every time I see them!

Ryan and I have been going on tons of hikes since we moved. We checked out the local cascades this week and it is such a nice little trail walk!

This weekend I have a baby shower and might try and talk Ryan into driving to the beach for the day! Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, that castle is beautiful! How cool! That's awesome about your future SIL! Good for her!

  2. What a beautiful castle. Congrats to your goddaughter.


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