What's Up Wednesday! April 2017

I know I say this every month but how is it already the last Wednesday of the month!? This month in particular flew by with the move!

To read my January WUW post go here!

To read my February WUW post go here
To read my March WUW post go here!

And to read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

For the last 5 years I have used my Grammy's blender that she gifted me forever ago (that was hers for who knows how long). And just last month, right before we moved, it broke. I tried taking it all apart but there was no fixing it. So out with the old and in with the new!

This week I bought a Ninja Blender and I am OBSESSED with it. It is SO powerful. I have been using it non-stop so basically all that I have been consuming this week is smoothies and juices!

This is the one I got: Ninja Kitchen System.

It has permanent residency on my kitchen counters.


I may end up doing an entire post on it ... I just love it that much. Don't even get me started on the food processor/ dough mixer.

What I'm reminiscing about…

Willow turns 5 next week and I can't believe we have had him for 5 years!!! So many good times with my fluffy bunny! To Louisiana and back!! The most well traveled bunny out there!


You can read the story of how we got him here! There are some adorable baby bunny pictures there too!!!

What I'm loving…

I haven't done a home tour since we moved but a quick sneak peak... I got a new comforter from Home Goods and I loveeee it. I had this vision of what I wanted for a while now and I finally found the comforter that fit it



More on our new apartment to come! You can check out the bathroom makeover here!

What we've been up to…

We road tripped from Louisiana to Massachusetts! Day 1, Days 2 and 3

We celebrated Easter


My best friend had a baby gender reveal


Willow had a bunny playdate!


And we explored Rockport, MA!  


What I'm dreading...

Not much right now!!! Living the dream!

What I'm working on…

I just started a new baby blanket but I cant post pictures here for a little while! Just know it is pink and mint and has a bit of a watermelon vibe to it!

What I'm exited about…

Next week is our negative 1 year wedding anniversary! The 365 day countdown is (almost) officially on! So exciting!
What I'm watching/reading…


If you missed Mondays post - I am super into the TV show The 100 right now.

And I'm also watching Survivor!! 


For the first time in what feels like years I am not in the middle of a book! I really need to pick up one and get back into my reading routine! Any recommendations?!

What I'm listening to…

 Ryan and I don't have "a song" so I have been on the hunt for a perfect first dance song for us. Everyone of the songs I come across and go "this is perfect", Ryan usually responds with an eh response! This may take an entire year to figure out so starting now! 

What I'm wearing…

My staple wardrobe since we moved has been jeans, a sweater and a vest! Classic early spring in New England. My shoes of choice have been my penny loafer Sperrys!


What I'm doing this weekend…

The weekend is completely up in the air right now!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

Not only is the weekend up in the air but so is the month of May! June and July are already filling up but May is looking pretty laid back!


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