He or She? Open to See!!

To wrap up all of our Easter celebrations on Sunday my best friend was doing a gender reveal. Here is the awesome part... I was the only one who knew!! 

Last week my friend gave me an envelope with the ultrasound photo revealing the baby gender! Both her and her husband wanted to find out at the same time as their entire families so they decided that I would be the secret keeper! 

The plan: I ordered a cake to have frosting the color of the baby gender and stressed that that color had to be hidden from the outside!! 

They did their reveal at Easter when both families were together and by the time I got there it was getting heated!!! People actually had money bets going on whether it was a boy or a girl! 

My girlfriend was convinced it was a boy... and her husband was convinced it was a girl! Love a good debate!!!

And it is..... a GIRL!!!!!!

 Most of my friends family thought it was a boy so everyone's reactions were priceless!

Can't wait to be Aunty Nikki! I've already bought this little baby girl some adorable outfits! She is going to be so spoiled!


  1. Congratulations to your friend! Gender reveal parties are fun.


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