Easter 2017

Easter started a little early this year with a bunny/baby photo shoot! Earlier in the week Ryan's cousin asked if she could use Willow as the Easter Bunny for an Easter photo shoot and of course the answer was a quick yes! I wasn't sure how cooperative he would be since usually when new people are around he prefers to hide but he did a great job! How cute are these pictures?!



Love my little Easter Bunny!!!

And then come Easter yesterday... Ryan's little cousin and I ended up having matching Easter dresses! Of course she is way cuter!


A totally unique thing that we did this Easter was take drone family photos! One of Ryan's cousins has a drone and it was so fascinating to watch fly around! It has live video on the remote control so we took so crazy family photo selfies!


Can you see our little specs!?

Easter was great this year! We went to my Grammy's for breakfast, Ryan's parents for dinner #1, my cousins for dinner #2 and baby gender reveal to finish it all off (more on that to come tomorrow)!

Family Food and Fun!
(And this impressive lamb cake my Grammy made)


  1. That cake is very pretty. That baby is darling. Love the pics of her with the bunny.


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