Prom Stories

Today I linking up with with Momfessionals for Show and Tell Tuesday. This weeks theme is Prom Stories! Lol! Prom seems like a millions years ago sometimes! 

My junior prom was all sorts of awkward! My date was a semi-friend and we agreed to go together just so we would have dates.... but then he refused to leave me alone all night... like I couldn't even go to the bathroom without him waiting outside the door for me! In hindsight I'm sure it was just him being courteous but for a 16 year old me it was creepy high school boy behavior.

I was a junior bridesmaid in my cousins wedding so I wore that dress to prom. Black with some white accents! Oh and a mouth full of braces!




With my bff (and Matron of Honor for my wedding next year)! We both wore black and white! 

Senior year I had a boyfriend who was in the marines but he was away on bootcamp during prom. One of my good male friends and I were each others dates and it was a BLAST! So much better than junior prom! 

My two best friends from High School! Both in my wedding party!!

I had the hardest time finding a prom dress that I could afford... I tried a million on and either I loved it and couldn't justify the money or it was cheap and looked cheap. I ended up with this blue one from Sears. 

So that was it - junior and senior prom!

Come back tomorrow for tales from our move to Massachusetts! 


  1. What a fun walk down memory lane!!

  2. That blue dress is pretty. I was pregnant my junior prom but made it to Senior prom. Now I have a son going to his HS prom next weekend. I think it's great that you're still good friends with people from high school.


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