Thoughts for Thursday

A quick little post for today to share some random thoughts that are not worthy of a whole blog post!

  • I miss gas prices from the south. Massachusetts is paying $2.20 for regular gas... I miss the good ole $1.94 days.
  • Ryan and I have some serious poison ivy going on right now. We have been on a lot of walks/hikes since we got home and the plants are just starting to bloom but haven't fully developed yet so I am sure we wandered through some and didn't know it. URG. It's miserable... I change the sheets on the daily and we have been trying all sorts of random online treatments but nothing seems to be making it better - anyone out there have ANY advice?! We could use it!
  • We are playing the Monopoly game at Shaws (supermarket) and we are one piece away from winning every single prize. I'm not convinced those pieces exist but still have my fingers crossed for winning the million!
  •  I made 2 big batches of oatmeal cranberry chocolate chip cookies for different dinners this week. It is dangerous having so much yummy around. 
  • I watched Marley and Me this week and man that movie is so good. And so sad. It's a guaranteed cry movie for me! Also makes me really want to get a puppy!
  •  Working from home is great! I love the PJ work life. 
 Like I said - short and sweet today! 



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