The Move to Massachusetts Days 2 and 3

If you missed yesterdays post I shared Day 1 of our move from Louisiana to Massachusetts! You can check it out here!

On Friday the 31st of March it was finally time for Ryan and I get on the road! We started EARLY...

Yikes 4:20am! 

We loaded Willow up in the backseat of the car and he was not feeling the car ride. He kept jumping on and off his shelf and finally gave up and snuggled up in his blanket for the trip. Every time we stopped for a bathroom or food break we would try to get him to eat some of his favorite veggies and drink some water. Basil was the winner for the trip. He has a hard time turning that up even if he is a grumpy bunny in the car.

We went through Mississippi...


And saw some confederate flags (hopefully for the last time)...


Then went through Alabama which was SO LONG.


Took some pictures on the Georgia border...


And saw a crazy car!


Then finally made it to South Carolina! 


10 hours later we made it to our destination for the night. My aunts live in Greenville, South Carolina which was our stopping point for Day 2. They had the BEST stuff waiting for us when we got there.... Puppy cuddles and a warm spaghetti dinner! They recently got the cutest yorkipoo puppies that just wanted to give us all the lovin - best way to end a full day of driving!


We started the next day at 5:30am (this time in the eastern time zone) and the second we got loaded up in the car I was fast asleep... so no picture of North Carolina! I slept through most of the state! 

So next up Virginia!

Then Maryland...


And briefly through Delaware! 

Next up New Jersey

Getting closer when we finally hit New York. Please note I had the T-Swift song "Welcome to New York" stuck in my head at this point! 

And was weirdly excited when I saw the NYC skyline!


The closer we got the more anxious we got. By the time we reached Connecticut we were so ready to get out of the car... 

... and when we FINALLY crossed the Massachusetts border we were squirmy with anticipation!

It took us just around 18 hours to get from Greenville South Carolina to where Ryan's parents live in Massachusetts! The grand total: 28 hours in the car in two days. Few! Not looking to do that again any time soon! 

How'd we entertain ourselves? We listened to the entire S-Town podcast, listened to some good music and quality bonded! Ryan drove the entire trip and we both had sore bums by the time it was over! 

But now home sweet home! 


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