Friday Favorites (4.28.17)

Happy Friday!!!

My number one favorite for the week was exploring Rockport, MA! Such a perfect little day-trip getaway. The beach is my happy place - so happy to be living so much closer to it!

If you were around for What's Up Wednesday then you saw that I got a Ninja blender! I am obsessed with it. I have eaten a smoothie every single day and have used the dough mixer for a bunch of cookies I have made! I am sure the novelty will wear off eventually but for now I am on a Ninja high!

I also got a new comforter this week from Home Goods and it is heaven! It is so fluffy and cozy compared to our old flat one and our bed is a whole new level of awesome! I find myself snuggled up in it earlier than bed time just because it is so comfy.

Another favorite for the week is all of the attention Willow has been getting since we moved to Massachusetts. So many people love to come hang out with him and he is soaking up all of the love! Pictured here is my future brother-in-law falling into the Willow petting spell.

My last favorite for the week was dinner last night! I invited my neighbors from the house I grew up in over for dinner. They are basically our adoptive grandparents and it was really nice catching up with them over dinner!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


  1. I am thinking about getting my kids a bunny but I know nothing about bunny ownership, care, etc.! Do you have any tips? :)

  2. That comforter is very pretty. I have a Ninja blender too. We used it for a long time to make smoothies. I need to get it back out and start making them again.


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