Pensacola Getaway!

Thursday during work I texted Ryan, "I wish we were at the beach." Then when we went home that night Ryan suggested we drive to Pensacola over the weekend. By 7pm that night we had a game-plan and a hotel booked!

Sometimes you just need a spontaneous night away! 

So early Saturday morning we packed up the car and drove the 4 hours to Pensacola, Florida! Since January is the off season the rooms were pretty cheap so we splurged on a room with a view... and boy was it worth it!!! This is what we saw when we went out on the balcony.



Before heading to the beach we decided to eat lunch on the balcony! Apple slices, deli meat and cheese cubes. Perfect beach snack food! 

We then spent the rest of the afternoon camped out on the beach! It was in the low 70s and the water was probably in the 60s but that did not stop us from swimming! 



This is the Hampton Inn where we stayed! Totally recommend it! 

Before sunset we went for a long walk on the beach scoping out the coast. 


We went to dinner at a restaurant on the bay called Red Fish Blue Fish. It was super cute! There were swings at the bar, large games, fire pits and a gorgeous view! 



We had a lot of fun messing around and playing all the games before we got seated!


Did I mention the food was yummy? Because it was SO yummy!

After dinner we went back to the hotel and watched the Pats game (and we both fell asleep during it... whoops!!)
Sunday morning we both woke up really early and caught the sunrise! 

We went for another long walk on the beach and collected a TON of shells... we even found two sand dollars! One of our favorite traditions is to fill large jars up with the shells we have collected over the years. We love adding to our little collection (you should see all of the sea glass we collected in Italy)! 

After our walk we said goodbye to the beach and drove home -  we got back to our normal weekend routine... grocery shopping, chores, etc. I am SO happy we got to go away for the weekend. It felt amazing to reset and retreat to the beach.



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