2016 Year in Review

2016 was a fantastic year!

**In January**

Willow was obsessed with the Christmas Tree 


**In February**

We celebrated Mardi Gras 

**In March**

We explored all of the Audubon Nature Institute...

We moved back to Baton Rouge...


And celebrated Easter with a Cornbeef and Cabbage dinner

**In April**

I revealed my identity to the blogging world 

**In May**

We explored the Clark Creek Natural Area

And took a day trip to Pensacola Beach

**In June**

We vacationed to Hot Springs, Arkansas (Part 1 & Part 2)

And went to a Car Race

**In July**

I spent a week in New England celebrating the 4th of July, a wedding a had mouth surgery (Part 1 & Part 2)

And had to say goodbye to my childhood home (Part 1 & Part 2)

**In August**

Baton Rouge had a devastating flood


 We volunteered in the relief effort 


And I went on a girls weekend vacation to Fort Lauderdale, Florida 

**In September**

Ryan and I celebrated 6 years of dating

And we explored Avery Island

**In October**

We vacationed to Chicago (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)

I turned 26 and celebrated on the beach 

And went to my first LSU Football Game

**In November**

I had a weird ER visit 

And hosted Thanksgiving while my Dad and Sister visited

And finally 
**In December**

Decorated Gingerbread Houses 


This year was EVERYTHING. There were really amazing highs and some really sad lows. There was lots of love and travel. Many books read and the trying of new things.

Thanks for coming by and taking interest in my little world. This blog was my 2016 New Years resolution and sometimes I am amazed that I stuck it out this long! But I love it! And I love all of you! The goal was always to document life more and what an awesome time in my life to start! As the new year comes bringing with it a whole bunch of changes I am sure this blog with evolve with it... and I can't wait for all of it!

Cheers to 2017!


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