The Random and Me!

For those who are new around here I thought it would be fun to share a couple random facts about myself! Welcome to my weird!
  1. I have an unreasonable fear of Dr. Seuss. Seriously. There was a traumatic incident in first grade that involved being force fed green eggs and ham and it scarred me for life. My future children will not be read Dr. Seuss books - no way no how. 
  2. One of my major bucket list items is to snorkel (or scuba dive) in the Great Barrier Reef! Someday! 
  3. My stripper name (the name of your first pet and the first street you lived on) is Sunshine Sterling... sexy right?
  4. I used to teach beginners ballet and I always made them warm up to Disco music!
  5. When it is raining I am totally self conscious of my windshield wiper speed. Yup. I don't want to look like the crazy person with super fast wipers. I know this is stupid and silly... just can't help it! 
  6. My favorite stuffed animal growing up was a little white kitty that I named "E"
  7. I could watch Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightly version) over and over and over again and never get sick of it!
  8. Personality wise I am more like my father but physically I am more like my mother. 
  9. I have the WORST handwriting! My fiance told me I wasn't allowed to address any of our wedding invites because it is that bad!
  10. This was my first every Facebook profile picture: 

Because tank tops with pirate ships on them are cool right?! And no one told me it was stupid to bring a shoulder bag hiking in the rain forest in Puerto Rico .... yup! 

So that's a little random about me! 
Hope you have a great Thursday! 


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