2017 Resolutions and Goals

I have been brainstorming for a while about what I wanted to accomplish this year in regards to resolutions and goals. I came up with a couple of things and then realized they were mostly health related with some fun thrown in there! 
1. I would really like to come up with a daily skin care routine for my face. I have never used anything except for a facial wash during the occasional breakout. Recently I have noticed my mother and grandmother stress over their skin more then ever before so I would like to be more proactive in my skin care.   

So far I have come up with a 3 part face care plan 
(after reading reviews and taking recommendations from girlfriends)...

So far so good. I have super sensitive skin and have been reacting a little to the Cetaphil. Hoping that will go away with time - if not - I will need to find a different cleanser.
2. My nervous habit is picking the skin around my fingers. I hate that I do this and really need to be more conscious about it. It became painfully obvious when everyone kept looking at my hands to see my new engagement ring... truthfully I was embarrassed and self-conscious of my fingers. 2017 will be the year I get better at this (as I type this there are bandaids on both of my thumbs...). **sigh** 
3. On the topic of weddings - I also would really like to lose some weight for when it comes time to try on wedding dresses. I don't plan to do anything crazy yet (especially since the wedding is 17 months away) but I do need to adjust my eating habits and make the effort to work out more. This is mostly just a "be more aware" type thing. Especially now that it is Mardi Gras season here in Louisiana and there is King's Cake EVERYWHERE...!  Just say no to yummy cinnamon bread cake... said no one ever.

4. On the fun side of things I have decided to cook my way through Mix and Match Mama's Eats cookbook! The book is broken down by month and each month has a list of entrees, breakfasts and desserts! My goal is to cook 1 of each every month and I will probably review my experiences with the recipes here on the blog! 

I like my list of goals and resolutions for 2017. They are reasonable with a bit of challenge and fun thrown in the mix. Do you have a resolution list for 2017?


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