What's Up Wednesday! January 2017

Last year I participated in the monthly link-up What's Up Wednesday and it was one of my favorite posts to do each month! So of course I decided to continue with it for 2017!

To read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

One of my New Years goals was to cook my way through Mix and Match Mama's Eats cookbook! The goal is to do one entree, dessert and breakfast recipe each month! I finally decided which recipes I was going to do for January and I am going to try them out this week! Stay tuned!


What I'm reminiscing about…

Three years ago I moved to Louisiana! Sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday and other times I feel like I have been here forever!

Since this picture was taken we have lived in 4 different apartments in both Baton Rogue and New Orleans! Crazy how time flies!

What I'm loving…

Netflix downloads.
I mentioned this when I reviewed The Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix Series but it is worth repeating. Netflix downloads are a game-changer! I love that I can download a movie or show for a long car ride or to watch during lunch at work. I should really buy stock in Netflix. They are kicking serious streaming butt. 

What we've been up to…

Not much these days!! =)

What I'm working on…

On and off for the past couple months I have been working on this baby blanket.

There is more motivation now to get it done with friends having babies! Stepping up my crochet game! 

What I'm exited about…

Ryan's birthday is in a couple week's and I have some BIG surprises planned! Hopefully I can pull it off! I am the worst at keeping secrets and this is a huge one! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

What I'm watching/reading…


For TV I am watching the Bachelor. I feelings for this season are Urg. Just Urg. I'm hoping it gets better once all the crazies are gone. 

On Netflix I am re-watching (for maybe the 5th or 6th time) Grey's Anatomy. This is my current mindless-just-need-some-noise show. Love Grey's Anatomy! 

(Fun fact: I had this poster hanging in my room throughout high school and it even went to college with me!!)


I started to read Elin Hilderbrand's Winter series. I knowww these are Christmas books but I sort of love thinking about Christmas in January! I am almost done with Winter Street and I am in love with it! 


What I'm listening to…

Ryan has a thing for "Hip-hop hits of the millennium." That seems to be the Pandora station that has been on in our apartment a lot lately!!

What I'm wearing…

Baton Rouge has been ALL over the place the past couple of weeks with weather! 80s, 40s, rain, tornados, etc. A hot mess of weather! So as a result I am pretty sure I have been all over the spectrum with clothes!! I am so bad at remembering to take pictures of my outfits! Just picture lots of layers to cover the variety of temperatures!

What I'm doing this weekend…

As of right now we have no plans! I might get my taxes together. #SoExciting #Not

What I'm looking forward to next month…

There are some big things in the works!! Some secret things too! February is going to be a big month! All will be revealed soon!


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