October 14th, 2017 (long version)

If you were around yesterday then you saw that I had a crazy October 14th! 

The quick summary... 
It was my Birthday 
We were in New Orleans
We went to our friends wedding 
And our niece was born!
We flew into New Orleans Friday night and that is when all the crazy started! We went out to icecream at my favorite local ice cream shop, Creole Creamery, and when we finished we got word that Ryan's sister's water broke and she was in labor!! This is our first niece and we were sooo excited! She wasn't due until November 8th so we definitely didn't expect her to show up the weekend we were away in New Orleans!!! 

Saturday the 14th is when all the fun happened! 

Saturday was our friends wedding (and why we were in New Orleans) but it was not scheduled until the evening so we had all day to hang out in the French Quarter... oh yea and it was my birthday! Ryan and I have been to the French Quarter a million times (having lived in Louisiana the last 4 years) so we just wandered around and visited our favorite shops. 

Around lunch time we learned that our niece came into the world!
Meet little Caroline! 

Aunty Nikki and Uncle Ryan could not be more in love with her! When we got the text that she was born I started crying happy tears in the middle of a busy French Quarter street haha - I must have looked nuts. <3

In the afternoon we made our way to the wedding. 

It was in the cutest little courtyard with twinkle lights and candles everywhere.

After the ceremony we participated in the classic Louisiana wedding tradition of doing a "Second Line." Those unfamiliar with the tradition, the bride and groom lead a parade through the streets of the French Quarter and all of the guests parade behind them! 

They carried umbrellas and all of the wedding guests carried little towels and we paraded all over the place! We even had a police escort!

So blurry but you can see how much fun we were having!
We danced the rest of the night away and enjoyed the wedding! We even belted the song "Sweet Caroline" in honor of our new niece!

Such a fantastic 27th birthday! Love that my niece is my birthday buddy! 


  1. Happy belated birthday! Congrats on the birth of your niece. I've heard of a Second Line but have never participated in one. I think it would be fun. The bride's dress is beautiful.


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