Friday Favorites (10.13.17)


Depending on what time you read this I am on my way to New Orleans for my friends wedding and to celebrate my birthday!! Wooo!

I live in the town of Bedford, Massachusetts and go for walks on the rail trail every day for lunch. On Friday last week I noticed all these painted rocks and went over to check them out! They are all decorated in words of kindness! The little sign reads,

"The Kindness Rocks Project Bedford, MA Take one when you need one. Share one with a friend who needs inspiration. Leave one for a another. One message at just the right time can change your whole day, outlook, life."

How awesome is that?? I didn't take one because I didn't need one at the time but I know they are there if I ever need a bad day!
#TheKindnessRocksProject #BedfordRocks #BeKind

You guys ever have one of those days where you decide - today I am going to look cute!? I did last weekend!! I woke up and felt motivated to curl my hair, dug out some boots, leggings and long flowy tunic and when all was said and done I had a moment and felt it deserved a mirror selfie! The photo itself sort of sucks but still felt the need to share! Please excuse the bright orange socks and bunny gate lol!

Can we just talk about this adorable cake for Ryan's cousins one year old birthday!? So classy! Definitely not a cake smash cake! Totally a favorite for the week!

My 9 year old goddaughter was giving gel pen "tattoos" at a family party recently so I asked her to give me a little anchor on my finger. I was really impressed with her gel pen skills!


My last favorite for the week was that Ryan threw me the nicest family birthday party! He made a ton of food and two cakes... because one just want enough!  I love that man - he is the sweetest!

This is me cheesing over my two cakes!

Hope you all have a great weekend! I will be back Tuesday since I will still be in New Orleans on Monday!! See you when I am one year older!


  1. That was nice of Ryan. That cake is very cute. I love the concept of the Kindness Rocks. We could all use a little more kindness and pick-me-ups.


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