Weekend in Review

I am typing this post on Sunday night and am so sad to see the weekend coming to an end! It was a good one... not for any particular reason other than it was a good mix of relaxing and fun! 

On Friday Ryan and I hung out in the evening and watched some baseball. Willow joined us in our bedroom (which is a special treat for him) and also seemed to enjoy some baseball! Ryan has already declared that he is a Yankees fan... I'm pretty sure he is just a fan of bright colors on the TV.

Saturday was a FULL day! After a run to the post office, Ryan and I headed out to Natick to work on our wedding registries! We decided to go with Crate and Barrel as our primary registry and Bed, Bath & Beyond as our second one. I will go into this more tomorrow but what I will say that Ryan held up like a champ after a full day of shopping!

From there we went straight to Light the Night to support our friend Debbie who had Leukemia but has since been redefined as a survivor! We were all given lanterns: white for survivors, yellow for those remembered and red for those who support the cause.

It was a really nice walk around the common in downtown Worcester, MA!

Sunday morning I got up bright and early to try and beat the predicted rainstorms! I headed to the Y to get a swim in and then spent the next couple hours cleaning the apartment... ick #AllTheLaundry

This is my... its-50-degrees-outside-and-too-cold-to-swim face 

 Ryan's dad came over to watch the Patriots while I baked cookies and watched Reign (my new favorite Netflix binge).

And now I am off to bed!

Tuesday and Wednesday I will be in DC for a quick work trip! Hopefully that will make the work week go by quick! 


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