What's Up Wednesday! October 2017

It's already What's Up Wednesday! 

2017 is flying by!!! 

To read my January WUW post go here!
To read my February WUW post go here
To read my March WUW post go here
To read my April WUW post go here
To read my May WUW post go here
To read my June WUW post go here
To read my July WUW post go here!
To read my August WUW post go here
To read my September WUW post go here

And to read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

Chicken Soup! Ryan has been the dinner champion since he gets home before me and he decided to make soup! #BestFinaceEver

What I'm reminiscing about…

Last year's Christmas Card... so much has changed since these photos were taken! We got engaged and moved across the country! If you had told us in this picture how different our life would be 12 months from then... I may have laughed at you!


What I'm loving…

That Justin Timberlake is performing the Superbowl! I usually only watch the superbowl for the commercials and half time show so I am excited for someone I like to perform!


What we've been up to…

Went to the Red Sox Game and was on the Jumbotron

Our first niece was born on my birthday!

We went to a Wedding in New Orleans

Went to the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular

And enjoyed all that a New England Fall has to offer

What I'm dreading...

A business trip next week that I am a little anxious about. Could use a couple extra good thoughts next Wednesday!

What I'm working on…

Planning our Honeymoon! I am SOOO excited to go to Hawaii! We are going to Maui and Kauai! Taking recommendations on everything if you have any!

What I'm exited about…

Yup. Only 30 days until it is socially acceptable to decorate for Christmas!!!

What I'm watching/reading…



Greys Anatomy

The Walking Dead 


And when I am doing chores I have been listening/watching Reign on Netflix... and I am obsessed with it!


I just finished Winter Solstice... and cried like a baby. If you have read the Winter Series - make sure you read this new forth installment. Looking for new recommendations!


What I'm listening to…

All the silly things my Amazon Alexa says! We have gotten into asking her what the weather is every morning and telling her to play music when we get home for work! Nifty little thing! Thanks dad- cool birthday gift!

What I'm wearing…

Eh... nothing too exciting. I do have a funny clothing story from the other day! I get up and dressed at 5am in the morning and the lights are always kind of dim. Well as I was driving to work the sun finally came up and to my horror I realized that I was wearing blue tights instead of black (when my outfit realllly didnt go with blue tights) lol. Thank goodness I had a little extra time to run to CVS before work. #Struggle

What I'm doing this weekend…

Honestly... I may end up working this weekend. We have a big presentation for the military next week and that may mean some extra hours in the office this week and over Saturday and Sunday. Keep your fingers crossed that we don't get too burnt out!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

Turkey Day 
Wedding Hair Trial
Wedding Tasting and Reception Consultation 
Trip to the Yankee Candle Factory 
Christmas Season!   


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