Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular

Get ready for some seriously fancy pumpkin carving pictures! 

Over the weekend Ryan and I met up with some friends at the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular at the Roger Williams Zoo (Providence, Rhode Island) and it really was spectacular! I went 4 years ago with my mother and grandmother and I remember it being amazing... so when we were brainstorming a fun fall activity it came to mind! I was nervous my expectations were too high but honestly they were met and some! 

There were thousands of pumpkins! Some carved by experts and some carved by regular joes. 

The theme was "Travel Through Time" which really is a theme that allows for any and everything!









I really loved this one of the house on the river! 





I took a picture of Betty Boop for my Grammy. She loved the pumpkin spectacular when we went last and asked I send her pictures this time! Betty Boop has always been her favorite!

These next two were my favorite! King Kong was sooo well done and the man on the moon was also fantastic!



This picture shows the craziness of all the pumpkins. They were up in the trees and there were hundreds of them!

I love the pumpkin spectacular but there are some things I would change about my next trip. We went on a Saturday night and the traffic to get into the zoo was ridiculous. There were also a ton of people. I am not sure I would go again on a weekend night or if I did, I would not park in the zoo but somewhere else and walk a mile or two to get there. It is worth it! 

This was Ryan's first spectacular and he declared that we should make it a yearly tradition!


  1. Oh wow, that's some serious talent! My fave is the Indian carved pumpkin.

    1. Terra! I have wanted to email you to make sure you knew the transition to Shooshanigans has happened! If you see this- the new link is: Shooshanigans.blogspot.com


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