Fall in New England

I have mentioned this before on the blog but I am going to do it again! This is the first New England Fall I have had in 4 years having lived in Louisiana and I have been OBSESSED with all of the beautiful tree colors Massachusetts has had to offer!

We went for a walk on a rail trail in Oakham, Massachusetts this weekend and it was perfect! The fall colors were in full peak and I loved every minute of it!

I saw this little tree and thought it was cute... made me think of Christmas!

We went for this walk on our nieces 1 week birthday! Ryan made sure everyone knew that this was his first time pushing a stroller... lol!

We love this little baby!

After the walk we spend some time at my uncles house down the road and it was just as pretty!

I can feel the transition of winter creeping up on us and I am enjoying as much fall as I can! 


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