Bethany Beach, Delaware

Two weeks ago I was all over the place. 

New Hampshire

So this week is going to be full of travel posts... starting with our labor day trip to Bethany Beach, Delaware! 

I thought beach trips were over for the season until Ryan's parents asked if we wanted to go to the Delaware coast for Labor Day weekend. We had no plans and it was an excuse to see Ryan's extended family so we were in! Ryan's second cousins have a condo a couple blocks from the beach and it was super nice of them to have all four of us for the weekend!

Friday of labor day weekend we loaded up the car after work and started our 8 hour drive south to Delaware. This was one of the worst car rides ever. I got sooo car sick. I blame the drive through New York city with all of the stop and go/traffic. It destroyed me. Thank goodness I was able to fall asleep about 4 hours in. We got in around 3am and went straight to bed!

Ryan and I are early risers and we got up way earlier then everyone that Saturday! It was scheduled to pour that day so we decided to take advantage of the early morning pre-rain weather and go take a walk on the beach!

We had the entire beach to ourselves!! 


Storm clouds coming in!



I'm not usually one to to post ring photos online but I can't resist the beach ring pictures! 

Not long after we got back to the condo, the rain started and didn't stop! It worked out though because Ryan and I got our beach fix in already and was able to spend the rest of the day hanging with his family. 

Sunday was beautiful! Sunny and warm and a perfect beach day! We spent the entire day beaching it up! I finished my book, got some sun and Ryan got a whole lot of beach volleyball in! 


It was really nice getting to spend the long weekend at the beach with Ryan's family! Monday we spent most of the day in the car which was bummer... wish it was closer! 

Tuesday I had a work trip to Kentucky/Ohio... come check out that trip tomorrow!



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