Seven Years

First off - I lied! I promised I would be back yesterday and so much went down over the weekend that I had zero chance to get a post together. So sorry about that!! But onto today's post - and it is a special one!

Seven Years ago at 12:01am my life forever changed. Ryan asked me out officially (though we had been non-officially been together since August... #college).  He asked me out right after midnight so that our anniversary wouldn't be 9/11. So September 12th it is! And this year it is our last September Anniversary since the clock will be re-set to zero for our upcoming wedding anniversary date in May! 

Ryan is the reason I believe in "things happen for a reason." Back my sophomore year of college I applied for a study abroad trip to Costa Rica, which would have occurred Fall of 2010. I did not get in and I was devastated. I remember getting my letter and crying - especially when I saw everyone's Facebook posts about them getting their number 1 abroad choice. Instead I got placed in the Sante Fe site (which was my second choice) for the Spring of 2011. I was never meant to go to Costa Rica... I just didn't know it at the time.

Since I was going to be on campus Fall of 2010 I applied to be an orientation leader (which I would not have been able to do if I was abroad that semester). I got the job! 

At the orientation leader get-to-know you ice cream social, I met Ryan for the first time. We got assigned to be partners on the same freshmen floor. I knew we were going to be friends right off the bat because our energetic personalities just clicked! As it was the end of the school year, we discovered we both had gotten summer jobs on campus and agreed we would meet up for lunch sometime... and we did! Every single day all summer! 

My eardrum burst that summer and I remember Ryan hand-making me a get-well card. He was the best lunch buddy a girl could ask for!

Come the Fall of 2010, we had orientation leader training. This is a two week boot camp where you spend 60 hour weeks with your floor partner getting ready for the incoming freshmen! Good thing my floor partner was cute! 

Somewhere during the week, Ryan lost his voice. After a night of training I had invited him over for some tea to help his voice. As he was leaving my apartment, we had one of those magic moments and shared our first kiss. 

One month later - September 12th, 2010 - we made it official! 

And the rest is history! 

Had I gone to Costa Rica - 
I wouldn't have been an orientation leader
Would have never been assigned floor partners with Ryan
Probably wouldn't have met each other during the summer we worked on campus
And we would have never fallen in love

In 7 years we have: 
 Backpacked through Europe 
Moved across the country and back again
Been to 23 weddings 
Welcomed a niece 
Hosted 2 Thanksgivings 
Loved on our pet bunny
Had countless adventures 
And got engaged!

 September 12th you will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Can't wait to see where our paths take us together!



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