Friday Favorites (9.29.17)


Guys. My number one was so easy this week... 


The video is hilarious. You can check it out on Instagram: nikoleconnor

It was the Dance Off segment and they were playing the song Gasolina and what did I do when I realized I was on the Jumbotron?? I did the YMCA. LOL... what a random response!! Seriously - go check out the video! It still makes me laugh every time I watch it!

If you read Wednesday's What's Up Wednesday post then you may have seen that my big project right now is trying to convert all of our old VHS home videos to either a CD or computer file. I have LOVED watching them all. I love the baby squeaky voices and seeing deceased family members that I miss so much. The most recent one I watched was Christmas 1992 where I was 2 years old and it was my first Christmas where I understood the concept of Santa and my mom was pregnant with my sister. Such a precious time!


If you know how to convert these or know of a place hat does it for you - please comment or message me!

TJ Max and Marshalls are the best. I always find the best deals! I was in Marshalls this week and found these shoes for Ryan - only 20$!!! #STEAL They had them in a lot of different color combinations! I went for the grey and brown! So his style! I'm totally debating buying another set with different colors for a Christmas present!

Here is a little Wedding DIY for you! For our centerpieces we are doing tree cross-sections with lanterns on top. We recently got the wood so we have been experimenting with how we want them to look. The top slice is just polyurethane, the middle is just natural sanded, and the bottom is stained.  We are going to go with just the polyurethane because we love that brown color!

And to wrap up the week... I work right next to a farm stand that sells icecream... and it is both dangerous and awesome! It was 87 degrees on Wednesday so we decided that it may be the last day of warm weather and made a lunch trip!

Nothing makes work emails better than eating homemade ice cream!

I have a super busy weekend but it is full of fun things!
Happy weekend y'all!


  1. Costco does the vcr into dvds! Happy weekending!

  2. I think you made a good choice using polyurethane for the wood. I like that color best too.


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