WPI Homecoming 2017

Ryan and my alma mater, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), had it's annual homecoming last weekend and we took part in the festivities! 

On Friday I met up with some of my freshmen year roommates! I lived in a suite of 6 girls (including me) and of the 5 roommates, I have stayed in really good touch with 4 of them over the years! Always a good time when we get together!

Saturday morning (homecoming day) we had some friends over in the morning before all the activities on campus started! Ryan had this idea to play pin the tail on the goat... lol. Our schools mascot was a goat (really intimidating right) and he had fun painting it and cutting out the tails haha. 


When got to campus around 10am and got to meet up with our various friend groups. 

My Alpha Xi Delta family line!  

My Senior thesis partners! 


And my cousin! Two of my cousins went to WPI. My cousin Lauren was at homecoming and we took this picture to send to her brother to call him out for not being there! I wasn't quite ready for the picture haha

Every year at homecoming the different organizations do a parade.  This was my favorite! Really big WPI beanie hat haha! 

To wrap up the day I watched a little bit of the football game with an awesome view.


Great to see family and friends at a place that means so much to Ryan and I! 


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