Friday Favorites 9.1.17

Guys. IT IS SEPTEMBER!!!! Say what!?

September 1st I declare it Fall in the Connor/Shooshan household and yes, I have already decorated! Sneak peak: 
I got a lot of cute Fall decorations from Hobby Lobby when they were on sale last month! Future seasonal decoration post coming soon! 

Another favorite is my guy painting! He just finished this one of Coast Guard Beach (Cape Cod)  that he had started in Louisiana and finally got around to finishing this week!! The brightly colored sunset is my favorite!

I have put a request in for a sailboat painting next! These are a couple pictures I found online that I sent him for inspiration! 


Bunny photo shoots are always a favorite around here!

Another major favorite was that my best friend had her baby this week!! I got to visit baby Sophia on Wednesday and she is 7 pounds of adorable. I got to hold her for a while and she was wide awake and so alert! I am sooo in love! My friends husband told me when I was there that I was Sophia's only Aunty (since both him and my friend do not have sisters) and it totally melted my heart. They are the best little family and I am so happy for them!

And to wrap up favorites for the week... did you see my post Monday about the sleepover I threw my goddaughter?? If not you should check it out here!

Depending on when you are reading this... I am on my way to Delaware! It is supposed to be our last beach weekend of the summer but rain is looking to mess that up! Keep your fingers crossed for us!


  1. Love Fall Decor posts! Can't wait! I'm decorating my house hopefully this weekend!


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