What's Up Wednesday! September 2017

It's already What's Up Wednesday! 

2017 is flying by!!! 

To read my January WUW post go here!
To read my February WUW post go here
To read my March WUW post go here
To read my April WUW post go here
To read my May WUW post go here
To read my June WUW post go here
To read my July WUW post go here!
To read my August WUW post go here

And to read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

Ryan and I ate Pizza 5 out of the 7 days last week. #AllThePizza 

So this week it is our mission to eat home cooked meals all week! 

On the Menu:
Meats: Chicken, Grass Fed Beef, Pork

Veggies: Asparagus, Peas, Brussels Sprouts, Sweet Potatoes 
Fruit: Strawberries, Raspberries, Apples

What I'm reminiscing about…

Is it weird to already be reminiscing about Summer when we are only one week deep into the fall?? I love the beach and hate not being able to swim outside all fall and winter long.

What I'm loving…

I have been going through my home videos and have been loving listening to my sister and my squeaky baby voices. Another favorite is all of the footage of my grandparents (both alive and deceased). A recent favorite was Christmas 1996 and my grandmothers participated in dress-up! My fairy grandmothers! I even love my papa's smirk in the background!

If anyone knows how to convert VHS to DVD please let me know!! 

What we've been up to…

Ryan and I celebrated 7 years together! 

Spent some time on the beach in Delaware!

Had a work trip to Kentucky & Ohio

Spent a day with my man in Portsmouth, NH

And had my First Annual Scarf Exchange (more on this tomorrow)!

What I'm dreading...

Commuting to work in the dark &
  Commuting home from work in the dark.

Very soon we will have way less sunlight during the day and I hate those long dark car rides!

What I'm working on…

See "What I'm Loving"! Home videos all the time... and it's the best!

What I'm exited about…

My future nieces baby shower is Sunday! I love all the weddings and baby showers! I'm not sure this stuff will ever get old!


Can't wait for this little baby to be here in November! 
What I'm watching/reading…


I have been binging One Tree Hill and just found out that they are taking it off Netflix October 1st... ahhhh! I am on season 5 out of 9... there is no way I am going to be able to get through it all... boo


About half way through The Identicals by Elin Hilderbrand! Will wrap it up next week on my flight to Houston! Any suggestions on what I should read next?!

What I'm listening to…

Recently I got into the Podcast LORE - it is a mix of folk lore and ghost stories (not scary)... perfect with Halloween right around the corner!

What I'm wearing…

My favorite new-ish Sperry's!!! So comfy, so cute!

What I'm doing this weekend…

It's going to be a busy one!!!
1 year old birthday
My cousins housewarming party
A friends fall party
And my nieces baby shower!!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

October is set up to be a good time! 
I have a work trip to Houston where I will get so see some friends
There is my birthday
The leaves are going to change color
We have a friends wedding in New Orleans 

Good stuff ahead!!

Happy What's Up Wednesday!


  1. I love the scarf exchange idea! I just texted my friends to see about hosting our own because it sounds so fun, so I'm excited to learn about yours!


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