First Annual Scarf Exchange

For as long as I have been reading blogs, the McKinnley blogging crew have posted about their annual scarf exchange and every year I am like I so want to do this!

Well this was the year!!! 

I made it a breakfast, PJ party and it was a blast! 

I made a TON of food! 
I linked the recipe for the ones that required it.


Love the little dipping bowls from Anthropologie! In store they are only 3$ a piece! 

Banana/ Pumpkin Bread

And Miscellaneous Other... 

For the actual swap we did Yankee-Swap style!
Everyone picks a number
Number 1 goes first, unwraps a scarf for everyone to see
Number 2 goes next, opens a scarf and can exchange with Number 1
Number 3 opens a scarf and then can trade with 1 or 2... and so on
Then at the end, Number 1 gets pick of any scarf they want!!

There was a decent amount of trading in this group which always makes it fun! 

The scarves were all so adorable! I wish I took more pictures! 

There were some awesome plaid blanket scarves and I got a grey one with a pom pom trim! 
I wish I got a group photo!! Next year!!

Everyone gave the party two thumbs up!

Love this new fall tradition!


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