Portsmouth, NH

Every year around our anniversary, Ryan and I have a tradition of exploring somewhere new! We love traveling and this year was no different! 

We decided to try something within a 2 hour radius and landed on Portsmouth, New Hampshire! 

We love port towns. Ryan and I are beach people and love little quaint towns located right on the water! This is something we really missed when we lived in Louisiana.


 Portsmouth was ideal for shopping! Soo many cute little boutiques and stores. I loved all the flower lined brick alleyways. Very cozy and homey. 





After a bunch of shopping (Ryan got the cutest sweatshirt - will feature soon) and I got some Christmas presents for family, we sat down for lunch overlooking the water. 



A man and his clam chowder!

You should also check out my post on Rockport, MA! This city was super coastal and a fantastic day trip! There are so many little towns in New England on my list to explore! Lots of day trips in our future!


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