Friday Favorites (9.15.17)

I have been dreaming about Friday all week! #Finally

First up... here in Massachusetts... it is officially fall! Everyday after lunch I go for a walk and have been leaf spotting all week! I have this one pressed in my notebook! This is my first fall in 4 years and I am so excited for a classic New England season!

My niece officially lives in the same town as me and it is a favorite seeing her little 2 week old face all the time!

Modeling one of the outfits I got her!

This photo is so grainy but it is my first photo with her!
Love me some squishy baby face!


I crocheted my first ever baby sweater and I love it! The yarn was just some spare Christmas yarn that I had lying around. I love the pattern and the hood makes it so cute!!

Sunday night we got home and could smell gas in our spare bedroom. We called the landlord (who lives across the street) and he came by and agreed it was best to call the fire department. They came by within minutes and swarmed our apartment. They could also smell the gas scent but their detectors were not able to pick it up. We called our local gas company and they also showed up very fast. Within seconds they confirmed that there was a gas leak in the basement and that is why we could smell it (we are on the first floor). They fixed it on the spot and the fact that it all went so smoothly was definitely a favorite for the week!



And to wrap up the week - we celebrated a friends birthday at Dacosta's Pizza Bakery this week. It is relatively new for the area but was a total hit!

I also need to mention this cupcake. May have been the best cupcake I have ever had! Cookies and Cream flavored with cookie dough stuffed in the middle. HEAVEN. I have no clue where they came from but I am on a quest to find out!

Last week I traveled a lot so next week will be full of travel posts!! 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Your niece is adorable and you did a great job on that baby sweater. That cupcake looks delish.


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