Best Friends Baby Shower!

My best friend is having a baby girl next month and this past weekend we had her baby shower! It was full of pink and ADORABLE.

It was at a cute little Italian restaurant called Massimo's in Providence, RI. We got there a couple hours early to decorate! 

See all those pom poms in the back!? I had been working on those all week... even Ryan became a pom pom pro! This was my living room... lol


But I digress... 

My friend had picked a bunch of flowers and we arranged 12 vases worth! They were so bright and pretty! Really brought some color to the table.  

The activity table!

So I thought this was super funny. We had set up these big blocks and didn't realize for like an hour that they were set up to say "Baby Gril" haha! Whoops!


 We had the best dinner! I had the pulled pork gnocchi (I love me some gnocchi) and I took a picture of my friends salmon because it also looked yummy!

The pretty mom to be!


While everyone was finishing up dinner we played the string game - the one where everyone cuts a piece of string to guess the size of moms belly! 

Measuring some of the strings! 

The closest strings!

After dinner it was present time! And boy were there a bunch! 

This was the blanket I made! Love crocheting! 

There were some really adorable baby clothes in there! I've always said I wanted all boys but nothing beats baby girl clothes!


My 2 high school bffs! Love that we have stayed so close so long! 



Can't wait to meet this little girl next month! She is already so loved!


  1. Love the overall theme and that food looks delicious. Your friend is blessed to have you. I enjoy attending baby showers to see all the cute stuff and to play the games.


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