Nantucket, MA



How did I grow up in MA and never go to Nantucket?! I've been to Cape Cod a million times and even Martha's Vineyard a few times but never Nantucket! I have read so many Elin Hilderbrand books (which all take place in Nantucket) so it almost feels like I have been there but nothing beats the real deal! Love this little island! 

Over Forth of July weekend we stayed in Hyannis, Cape Cod and - since there is ferry port right there - it was the perfect time for a day trip to Nantucket! There are two different ferry's you can take to Nantucket - the fast and the slow... the fast is about an hr and the slow is two. We didn't want to waist any island time so we took the 6:16am fast ferry! 

This is my half-asleep-but-excited-to-go-to-Nantucket face! #CrazyHair

 The best part of the super early ferry was that when we docked there was no one there (which is unheard of July 4th weekend)!! 

I loved those cobblestone roads! 

Our stomachs were growling so we headed straight to Black Eyed Susan's. This little dinner-like breakfast place was 1) incredibility fast and 2) really yummy. Ryan and I were probably in there max 30 min and devoured our meals! When we were leaving Ryan declared that we officially have a breakfast place on Nantucket! I'm so glad he loved this little New England island as much as I did!


We were within walking distance of Brant Lighthouse and since it was still before 8am we decided to go there and get some private lighthouse time! 


This is one of my new favorite photos of Ryan and I!! <3


So fun story about this lighthouse! My aunt and uncle eloped here and and got married right on those rocks where we took pictures! Their son's name is Brant after the lighthouse! Isn't that awesome!?


After we our first lighthouse adventure we eloped!! HA! Just kidding! Ten months to go! 

The second ferry was just pulling in so we enjoyed our last couple minutes of quite Nantucket and explored a little! 


I really wanted to go to the Whaling Museum but we just didn't have enough time!! This will be on my must-do list the next time we visit!

The hydrangea's on Nantucket were GORGEOUS. Every shade of pink, purple and blue! I was so obsessed! 

We wanted to see as much of the island as we could so we hopped on the bus and headed far east to Siasconset (or S'conset). We got off a little early and walked up to Baxter road to Sankaty Lighthouse. 






So picturesque! 

We walked south back to the main part of S'conset and had lunch at Claudette's. 
(Not Ryan's best timed exit lol...)


At this point the sun was out and shining and we were hot!! So we changed into our bathing suits and walked down to S'conset beach! The waves were HUGE here! I got tripped up by one and got tossed all over the place! That hasn't happened to me since I was really little! Let me tell you it is just as horrifying as an adult as it is when you are 6! I was literally shaking once I collected myself so we decided that was enough beach for now! We caught the bus back into downtown for some shopping!

This my friends is a Lily Pulitzer jeep. I thought it was so fun and had to get a picture for my sister!! 

As I mentioned before - I am a huge Elin Hilderbrand fan. She was doing a book signing on the island the day before we visited Nantucket and I couldn't believe the poor timing! I walked by Mitchell's book store and they told me they had a couple signed copies of her new book The Identicals left and I snagged one in a heart beat! Pretty cool being able to buy a Nantucket based book on Nantucket!!


 After some shopping we decided that we had enough time to check out another beach! So we walked to Jetties Beach and swam for a good 30 minutes! Jetties Beach was the complete opposite of S'conset Beach. Calm shallow water and barely any waves! TONS of people though! It was a zoo!

We were worried we wouldn't make it back for the ferry off the island so we caught a quick shuttle back to main street! To our delight we had just enough time for some icecream! 

We enjoyed it on the most perfect bench right on the dock as the ferry came in! 


On the ferry ride back we decided to get some sun and sit on the upper deck. It was super windy but it was fun watching Nantucket disappear into the horizon. 


If you are planning it visit Nantucket - give yourself the weekend! There are so many things we wanted to do but just couldn't squeeze into one day! We have grand plans to check out the Whaling Museum and bike the island in the future! We will 100% be going back to Nantucket! We have already talked about going in December when it is all decorated for their annual Winter Stroll. Can't wait!! 


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