Jacob Boudreau Memorial Wiffleball Tournament

7 years ago our dear family friends lost their 12 year old son, Jacob to Neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer. In memoriam they coordinated a scholarship in his name to support students annually as they go off to college. One way they have raised money these 7 years since his passing is by hosting an annual wiffleball tournament, one of Jake's favorite activities! 
You can find more information about Jake and the scholarship: here 
And if you are interested in donating you can find more information: here
I haven't been able to participate in past years, but having moved back to MA, this was the year! So my finance, his parents and I formed a team and played some ball! 

Disclaimer - I had NO clue how to play wiffleball. At all. I didn't even know that you don't run bases until minutes before the tournament started! Ha! If you, like me, have 0 wiffleball knowledge... don't worry I have zero intention of explaining it.... just plan on posting a lot of pictures!! lol


Ryan's mom got super into it! 

My man hit a ton of home-runs!

Ryan's dad is 62 years old and he totally kicked some butt! He pitched every other inning and totally threw some strikes! 

This is the one picture of me... If you look at my face you can see I am scared! I did hit a couple balls and actually scored the game winning point in our first game... no one saw that coming!! 

We all wore Varsity Sports shirts. Varsity Sports is a popular Baton Rouge, LA sneaker store company. We had gotten everyone in the family these shirts for Christmas and it worked out to have a team jersey!
 "Run Hard, Live Easy"

We won the first 2/3 games and somehow we made it to the playoffs!! 

If you see here... team "Shoosh" we scored 13th place out of 36 teams for the playoffs!! Again... no one saw that coming! We held our own against all of the teen/college baseball teams that participated! 

Our first playoff game is where we got eliminated but honestly I'm surprised we made it that far in the first place!

It was a good game and a great event. When Jake's parents were talking about him before the game I teared up thinking about all the times I would sit with him at dance competitions growing up. Our sisters were always in the same dance classes together so there was a lot of recitals and dance trips where we would hang in the audience and cheer them on! 

"Every heart that has a beat, strong and cheerfully has left a hopeful impulse behind in the world, and has bettered the tradition on mankind." ~ Robert Louis Stevenson


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