Three Things

Some of my favorite bloggers (Sarah Shaneyfelt and Victoria Strader) recently did a Three Things post and it looked like fun so I am jumping on board! 

Three things I'd never give up
Filing my nails (I didn't have one of these on my 5 week backpacking trip through Europe and I didn't realize how lost I was without it)
Taking Pictures
Bonus #4: Ice cream

Three things I should give up
Picking my fingernails (Nervous habit... hence the nail file in the above list)
Binge TV show watching (sometimes it scares me how quick I go through shows)
Dunkin Donuts #ILoveCoolatas

Three favorite vegetables
Basil (does that count?)
I had Avocado on the list and had to look up if it was a vegetable or fruit... for the record it's a fruit

Three shows I watched faithfully from beginning to end
Downtown Abbey
Breaking Bad

Three places I want to visit inside the US
Sedona, Arizona
Hawaii (looking to check this one off on the Honeymoon)
Alaska (Ryan and I talk about how we will do this on an old person cruise someday lol)

Three place I want to visit outside the US
Santorini Greece (was almost where we were going to honeymoon)
Great Barrier Reef

Three things I always have with me
Burts Bees Chapstick
My iPhone

Three things that are always in my car
Paper towels
Extra Windshield wiper fluid (I'm obsessive about a clean windshield)
Spare pair of flip flops

Three most recent calls were from / to
My Dad
My Sister

Three most often used makeup products
Apparently I am a Maybelline Girl! This is my daily routine - nothing more, nothing less!
Nude Pallet, Lashblast Fusion Mascara & Unstoppable Eyeliner

Three things that make me laugh
Ryan - he wins at this
Silly things Willow does/gets into
How I Met Your Mother

Three things that make me cry
Those sad abused puppy commercials
The movie Big Fish (100% of the time)
Anything sentimental these days! 

 Those are my 3s! Feel free to use this blog theme - lets keep the chain going! 



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