Turkey Day 2017

Ryan and I have been together for 7 years now and this was our first Thanksgiving we have spent together in Massachusetts! The last 4 Thanksgivings we either hosted in Louisiana or traveled during the time off. The years before that we just did our own thing with our respective families! 

So this year,  being our first year living together in Massachusetts, instead of choosing one family over the other, we did it all! 

Ryan's parents hosted Thanksgiving so we started off there. My dad came to watch the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and eat appetizers with us which was nice since I wouldn't have seen him otherwise! We ate dinner #1 and got to spend a couple hours with Ryan's family.

From there, we went to my great aunts house for dinner #2 with my crazy loud Lithuanian family. There were 30 of us and my aunt managed to fit everyone down for a sit-down table! Ryan and I ended up somewhere between the adult table and kids table.


After dinner there was lots of wedding talk and hanging out...

And then my younger cousins attempted to teach me how to "floss". 
If you are unfamiliar with the "floss"... essentially it is a dance move where it kinda looks like you are flossing your legs... lol... youtube it if you still have no clue what I am talking about! I was really bad at it and somewhere out there, there is a video with proof of that! 


After dessert we headed home and my sister came by and we watched some home videos!
Ryan barely made it through 5 minutes.. heehee


It was a great, slightly exhausting and very yummy Thanksgiving! 

The best part of the whole day had to be all the pregnancy announcements! Two of Ryan's cousins announced they were each pregnant with baby #2 and one of our good friends announced they were expecting baby #1! We now have babies to look forward to in May, June & July of 2018!! So much love coming our way!

How were your Thanksgivings? 
Did you see family and friends?


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