Blog Rebrand - Frustrations but no Regrets

Yesterday I made the formal transition to Shooshanigans... and it definitely wasn't an easy process. 

First off - you will not be re-directed from Favorites, Some Fun and a Fluffy Bun to Shooshanigans. I know this means I will loose some viewers... so sad. 

I also lost all links. This means that any old blog post that link to other pages, the links will no longer work. I spent the time to fix the Pages (About, Travel, Reads, Just for Fun) but all of the other ones will have broken links... double bummer. 

But here is the good news: I love the new theme and I really think this transition will be the best for the long run!




  1. You can go back to those who have commented and send them a message?! (It looks like comments on old posts still show.) Yay Shooshanigans! -Juli


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