Friday Favorites (11.3.17)


First Friday of November! Holy Cow!!!

Wednesday was November 1st and I have seen this everywhere... 
Guess which one I am!?! 
Love me some Christmas!!! 
And Christmas is coming memes!!

I was on a business trip Tuesday and Wednesday this week and I really think taking off from Logan Airport in Boston is one of the prettiest US takeoffs. Love the coast line, being able to see Cape Cod and seeing Boston from above!

It also didn't hurt that I had an entire row to myself on a direct flight! #Score

On Wednesday I shared some of my past Halloween costumes and what I should have done was share my moms past costumes!! Her office usually goes all out and she is always so creative with them! 

One year she was the guy from Duck Dynasty... 

Another year she was The Scene of A Crime

And this year might be my favorite to date!! She was a bubble bath!!

She had a bunch of balloons all over her outfit, shampoos and rubber duckies everywhere! I loved it!!

Guys! 6 months until the wedding!
Definitely a favorite this week!



My last favorite is a its-a-small-world story! For a long time I have wanted to get a sign of my favorite quote for my home and Ryan told me that if I found a company I liked he would get it for me for Christmas. I found T&P designs on Etsy and reached out to the designer for a personalized sign.


When we got to the point where I had to send her my zipcode for shipping she responded back that she knows that town because her husband went to school there (she lives in North Carolina)! I was like... My fiance and I went college here... any chance it was the same school? And believe it or not her husband went to the same school as us... and even better... he was in the same fraternity as Ryan! Ryan was a freshman and he was a senior!! Small World!!

I love our random connection but I also REALLY love the sign that is coming our way!


I have been obsessed with this Mumford and Sons quote ever since the son came out and I even have been considering getting it tattooed. I can't wait to see how the sign comes out!!!
Hope everyone has a fun weekend! I have my wedding hair trial and Ryan's sister is visiting from California! It'll be a good one!


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