Happy (Belated) Halloween!

Happy Belated Halloween! 

My birthday is October 14th and EVERY year until probably high school (or when I finally said no) my mom planned Halloween themed birthday. And honestly... I think that ruined Halloween for me.  As an adult I am eh on the holiday. When I have kids I hope my love for Halloween is revitalized! 

All that being said - Halloween came and went this year and Ryan and I didn't even think of dressing up! 

I thought it would be fun to share some of my past Halloween costumes! 




Insurance Sales Man... I carried a briefcase when I trick-or-treated... #AwkwardYears


Pink Lady

And last year... Calypso and Neptune

There was one year in college where I was Spagetthi and Meatballs (and that was a good one) but I am not sure there is a picture of it out there!!! 

Happy late Halloween! Hope you got lots of candy!



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