Yankee Candle Village

If you know me - you know I love Christmas. 
Like LOVE Christmas.

When we were picking out apartments in Massachusetts one of my priorities was where will the Christmas tree go?

So when Ryan found out that I had never been to the Yankee Candle Village he had a mini freak out. He has been waiting to take me here for 6 months and we finally went! 

Yankee Candle Village is a big Yankee Candle store where they have candle making demonstrations, make your own candle activities, every scent candle you could possibly imagine and a lot of Christmas Magic. 

My first impression was this map. This place was HUGE and it was easy to get lost in there! 

A lot of the store looked like this... 


See the train going around!?

But then you enter the Black Forest and the magic begins! 
There is a MASSIVE mini Christmas Village

See the trees coming out of the ceiling?!



I took this Harley Davidson picture for my dad! 



When we reached the end of the Black Forest... it started to snow!!!


This is my OMG IT'S SNOWING face
So unflattering.. but so in the moment!


We then went through the Bavarian Village and Nutcracker Castle...


The toy shop had a Countdown Till Christmas clock. 
When we were there it was 42 days... now it is only 35!

There was a ton of other fun stuff too! 

Like the largest Yankee Candle (in my favorite scent!!) 


And a lego replica of the Candle Village!


Overall - it was amazing! I can't believe I have never been before! It is located out in Deerfield, Massachusetts which is in the middle of nowhere - but it is totally a great holiday day trip!


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