
Saturday marked my two year blogging anniversary! I have loved this little community, the blogger friends I have made and all of you! I started this blog as an early New Years resolution to document life more. The first 6 months of blogging I stayed anonymous to see if I would stick with it, and I found out that I love blogging... who would have guessed?! I had a coming out party and the rest is history! I love being able to use my blog as a reference source for my life! 

As the years have past - this little space of mine has become purely a "lifestyle" blog. My travels, adventures, books I have have read, home and style. 

If you have been here a while then you know I have been feeling around the idea of re-branding the blog.

Well this is the week! 

Welcome to Shooshanigans

May 2018 - I will become Mrs. Shooshan and ever since Ryan and I got engaged we have been using the hashtag #Shooshanigans... a play off the word Shenanigans and our future last name - Shooshan! 

I couldn't think of a more perfect name for the blog! 

What Will Change: 
The name
The look (probably)
The web browser address
(Since the transition has not formally happened yet I predict the weblink to be but will keep you posted if this changes)

What Will Stay The Same: 
 The content of the blog
My blog email:

What I Do Not Know: 
 I am hoping that if you got to you will get re-directed to the new website... but this I have no clue! 

This week there will not be normal posts but instead the blog will be under construction. I hope to have the transition complete by Friday for the the first Friday Favorites post under the new title!

Thank you everyone for your messages, comments, and support these last two years! 
Here is many more! 


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