Weekend in Review - Wedding Hair Trial Addition

Yesterday was the 6 month marker to our wedding! CRAZY!! We got engaged last December and I remember feeling like May 5th was SO far away! It seems fitting that this past weekend we did a whole lot of wedding stuff. 

We are getting the groomsmen tux's at Men's Warehouse and there is a deal out there where you can get 40$ off each tux and a free tux rental. We had this coupon but unfortunately we waited too long and it expired. I called David's Bridal Saturday morning and they had new coupons so we went there and then to Men's Warehouse to finalize the tuxs!

Our great Tux debate right now is shirt color. My dress is technically Ivory so the plan is to get Ivory dress shirts for the men. Well... the Ivory color at Men's Warehouse seem SO off white. In the picture above you can see the white shirt on the left and the ivory shirt on the right. See what I mean?! My dress seems more white then ivory when I am in it! Our plan right now is to buy a shirt for Ryan in each color then I will bring them to my dress fitting to figure out which color is closest! 

After our trip to Men's Warehouse, we went to the jewelers to try on our wedding bands!! So exciting! They look awesome! Ryan's is a little small so we are going to up the size on it and mine fit perfect!

And to wrap up the day full wedding stuff... I had my hair trial! They spent an hour and a half working on my hair and then did a big reveal and honestly I hated it!!! I felt so bad but at the same time... I want my hair to look good!!! So they took it all out and re-did it and it looked so much better! Phew!! I felt so bad asking them to switch it up but I am really happy how the second go at it went! 

I will wear just the veil for the ceremony and then when the veil comes out for the reception I will wear that hair pin! 

 The rest of the weekend was spent spending time with family. Ryan's oldest sister was in town to visit our new niece! It is times like this where we are so happy we moved back from Louisiana to be closer to family!

We love this little baby so much! 

I am on another business trip to DC today and tomorrow so no posts until Thursday! 



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