Friday Favorites (11.17.17)


Hello and Happy Friday!
This is my first Friday Favorites as Shooshanigans!
(formally Favorites, Some Fun & a Fluffy Bun) 
Cheers to new beginnings!

And like every Friday....

Last week in Massachusetts it hovered around 20 degrees! YIKES! Having lived in Louisiana the last 4 years I forgot how cold 20 degrees really is!!
20 degrees is frozen morning dew cold!!!
The cold isn't a favorite... but my new scarf is! I am loving blanket scarves right now! Perfect for the cold and can be worn multiple ways!
Scarf: Amazon so inexpensive... 11$!! 
Hat: I got this hat at the Blarney Woolen Mills when I was in Ireland!
Brr is right!!!  

Over the weekend I got to hang with my friend and her two month old! Two months is a great age! She can hold her head up, smile and make the cutest coo-ing noises!

LOVE her fuzzy reindeer suit

My friend just got the iPhone X and the photo quality is unbelievable! Those top two photos are form my iPhone 6 and these next two are from the X. Seriously making me consider upgrading my phone!

Another favorite from the week was making breakfast with my Grammy. She invited Ryan and I over because she had a present for Ryan (homemade knit winter hat) and she didn't hesitate to hand me a spatula and put me to work on the pancakes! I love that Ryan snapped a picture of us in action!

Another favorite was a bunny play date between my bunny Willow (black and white) and my mom's bunny Philip (brown)! We are bunny-sitting Philip in January when my mom goes on a cruise and we want to make sure the bunnies play well together in preparation for that week!

Eventually Willow decided he needed all the attention and hung out on the back out of the couch so he could get all the pets!

For the most part they get along well - Willow does get a little territorial of his cage and food but overall they are ole chums now!


So this one is a bit random... my landlord had a birdhouse made to look like our triple-decker apartment and I can't walk by it now without cracking up! It makes me smile every day and that is enough to make it a favorite!!

Happy Weekend!!!

I have a self-care morning planned Saturday complete with haircut and a manicure date with some girl friends and on Sunday have some Thanksgiving food prep on my to-do list!

Any big plans??


  1. Bunnies and a baby in a reindeer suit?!?! You win for most adorable post this week! Eghh twenty degrees - no thanks! We were down to 28 but not much lower thank goodness. (It is amazing what a difference 8 degrees can make!) That birdhouse is a hoot! (No pun intended!) Happy Weekend!


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