What's Up Wednesday! November 2017

It's What's Up Wednesday! 

One week early this month!

To read my past posts check them out here...
January 2017
February 2017
March 2017
April 2017
May 2017
June 2017
July 2017
August 2017
September 2017
October 2017

And to read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)click the Just For Fun page or go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

A whole lot of this...


And hopefully a lot of this... 


Then leftover this... 


We are doing Thanksgiving at Ryan's parents house at noon then heading to my aunts house for 3:00pm... 2 dinners, 3 hours... BRING. IT. ON.  

What I'm reminiscing about…

When we hosted Thanksgiving last year in Louisiana! So much has changed in a year! I definitely miss hosting but it will be nice to sit back and relax this year. 

What I'm loving…

All the snuggle times with our 1 month old niece! 




She is a Patriots fan already! 

What we've been up to…

Well the big thing this month has bee the transition to Shooshanigans! You can read all about that decision here!


I had my wedding hair trial...

We went to our venue tasting... 


I traveled a lot for work...

And we got ready for Christmas by going to the Yankee Candle Village! 

What I'm dreading...

Christmas is coming!

What I'm working on…

My Christmas Cards are addressed, stamped and going in the mail tomorrow! 
Can't wait to share them with you in a couple weeks!

What I'm exited about…

Cutting down our Christmas Tree!! I have never cut a Christmas tree down before and we are doing it on Friday! I am sooo excited to get to do this for the first time

What I'm watching/reading…



Greys Anatomy

The Walking Dead 


And when I am doing chores I have been listening/watching Reign on Netflix... and I am obsessed with it!

Yes - these are all the same from last month!! haha!


This has been the year of Elin Hilderbrand! 
Working on The Castaways this month! It is off to a sad start and not sure where it will lead as of right now.


What I'm listening to…

1) Christmas Music on 96.1 radio


2) For my podcast people - Killing on the Cape. This podcast is so interesting especially since I love Cape Cod and went there every summer growing up! 


What I'm wearing…

This is a dilemma in my world right now! I have no idea what I am wearing to Thanksgiving tomorrow. I want a dress with leggings but for some reason everything I put together isn't quite right! Ahhh!

What I'm doing this weekend…

- Cutting down our Christmas Tree
- Decorating for Christmas
- Spending time with family by the fireplace 

What I'm looking forward to next month…

- Finalizing some wedding details
- Cirque De Soleil Show
- Visits from traveling friends
- Celebrating our one year engagement
- Christmas & New Years!


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