What's Up Wednesday! March 2017

Last week of March! CRAZY

To read my January WUW post go here!

To read my February WUW post go here!

And to read last years What's Up Wednesday posts (along with all my other link-ups)go here!

Linking-up with: 
 The Larson Lingo 
Mix & Match Family 
Sheaffer Told Me To 

What we're eating this week…

We are in hard core packing mode right now and that means we are eating our way through our refrigerator. This means lots of spaghetti & meatballs and really weird food combos. We also are planning to eat Jambalaya one last time before moving! Jambalaya shoppe is one of our favorites! 

What I'm reminiscing about…

As we leave Louisiana we have been reminiscing about our last 3.5 years here. We have had some awesome adventures!

What I'm loving…

I got my nails done this past weekend and after I picked out the color I found out it was "Hello Kitty Pink" - Love the color!!! So spring!

What we've been up to…

Have I mentioned packing?! LOL My life is in shambles!

What I'm dreading...

I'm not necessarily dreading moving but maybe a little nervous about the actual trip. I hope the weather stays nice for our two days of long car rides and that Willow doesn't get too stressed from the car trip (he HATES car rides).  Wish us luck!

What I'm working on…

My organizational skills! We are being really detailed with all of our packaging labels. Color coded duct tape has been awesome!!  

What I'm exited about…

Starting our next chapter in Massachusetts!! 

What I'm watching/reading…


The Walking Dead! (Anyone else excited for the season finale this weekend?!)

And Survivor!! 


Still re-reading the Fifty Shades trilogy


And next on my list is the 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman 


What I'm listening to…

Ryan and I are both excited for the new podcast S-Town coming out this week! I'm sure we will listen to the whole thing during our very long car rides!

What I'm wearing…

My wardrobe for the week is leggings, t-shirts, sports bras and sneakers. I recently bought these leggings from Old Navy. I loveee Old Navy active wear. So affordable! I will definitely be wearing these on moving day(s)!


What I'm doing this weekend…

The moving game plan: My dad flies in today at 10:30am and we will load up our cars with whatever isn't going in the truck. Tomorrow we are picking up the Penske truck at 7am and we have two movers coming at 8am. Hopefully by 10/11am the truck will be loaded! At 2pm the carpet cleaners are coming (as required by our current lease). Then bright and early Friday morning we are getting on the road!

What I'm looking forward to next month…

Settling into the new apartment...
Wedding dress shopping...!

It's going to be a great month!

And as a writers note: I will most likely not be blogging the rest of the week and into next week. No clue when we will have internet set up in our new place! Please send good moving vibes our way!  


  1. Good luck with the big move!! Hope you have a great trip and get settled in quickly. The 5 Love Languages is a great book and I would recommend it to any married couple.


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