Friday Favorites (3.10.17)

So happy for another Friday and another weekend!

My number 1 favorite thing for the week was announcing that we are moving to Massachusetts!! You can read all about the decision and details here! This move has also lead me to the decision to rename and restyle the blog at the end of the month! With one change comes another! More on that to come!

To my fellow bloggers out there who have renamed and rebranded - any tips and tricks I should look out for?!

My next favorite has to be FINALLY starting to feel better. I feel like I have been sick most of 2017 so to finally feel like myself again is amazing! Only a couple weeks left in Louisiana - got to make them count!

Ryan was in Canada the first half of this week skiing with his sister! A favorite for the week has to be all of the gorgeous pictures he sent me while he was away!

Since we are moving and have a lot of wedding stuff coming up I ordered an address stamp with our new MA address! It was surprisingly way more affordable than I thought it would be! Only $20!! I know I will completely get my moneys worth out of it with all of the save the dates, invites, RSVPs, etc in my near future!

This is the one I got! Can't wait to see it in action!

Now don't think I'm crazy talking about Christmas in March but my girlfriend is going to knit Ryan and I Christmas stockings and I AM SO EXCITED. This is the pattern I purchased and I think they are going to be the same with the exception of the middle section which we will inverse the colors so they are a little different from one another!

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. Moving is so exciting! I've done it many times. I love that address stamp too! I just discovered your blog through the linkup. I haven't rebranded my blog, but my advice is to get a domain name. You can do it by going to your Settings/Basic menu in Blogger, and clicking "edit". This will give you a .com for like $12/year or so. I loved looking for blogger designs on Etsy, that a great place if you're looking for a new template. ANYWAY, it was great to find your blog. Happy Friday!


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