Some Thoughts on Interviews

The job application process is a weird one. We are taught not to judge a book by it's cover but then you reach adulthood and that is exactly what happens in resume form. 

You have 1 piece of paper to prove yourself which I think is the hardest part. If the people reviewing your resume give you an interview you have fought half the battle! Your foot is in the door and you  just need to convince them that 1) you are who you say you are and 2) your not crazy. 

I have been on both sides of the table. I've worked hard on resumes and I've reviewed candidate resumes. Here is the deep dark confession: I spend a total of 15 seconds scanning your resume and that is all I need to know whether you are going to work out or not.

15 seconds.
That's it. 

Phone interviews are this whole other can of worms. In my opinion it is probably the best interview to have. You can be in your pajamas, sit with your resume and resources in front of you and have your computer open and ready for a fast google search! 

Recently I have heard a lot about automatic Skype interviews. My sister had to do one of these where she had to dress up, sit in front of her computer on Skype and questions would appear on a screen which she would have to answer while being video taped. Then (at some later date) someone reviewed her video. Weird right?? You have to be on point while talking to no one... I can't imagine that is anything but awkward. 

Interviews just suck. You want to sell yourself and seem worthy while your anxious and nervous. When I interviewed for my current job I left the interview and realized I anxious-sweated completely through my dress shirt and into my new blazer which stained my entire blouse. #Fail (but at least I got the job?!)

I have been thinking a lot about this process recently and thought I would blab about it for a bit!



  1. You're spot on! Interviews can be nerve-wracking. Thank goodness, I've been at my current job for almost 13 years.


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